
对火博体育的学生生活很好奇? 在水疗中心见我.

by 乔丹·帕特里克,20岁

Located in the lower level of Case Center, across from the 火博体育商店 and the post office, is a place that Skidmore students treasure for a variety of reasons.

It’s part fast-casual restaurant, part living room, part stage, part meeting space, 部分学习地点,这样的例子不胜枚举.  

What is this magical, multifaceted venue? 水疗.  

水疗 gets its name from our hometown, 萨拉托加温泉市. 我们的传奇之城 long been nicknamed “水疗 City” thanks to its natural mineral springs and the early 它们吸引了20世纪的富裕. 

水疗 is one of the most popular places on campus for students, staff, faculty and 游客. At the intersection of academics and socialization, it’s the type of place that transforms to meet our needs — from studying and dining to hosting club events 和朋友出去玩.  


And the dining options are pretty great, too. 有多种选择 from the grill, daily 特价 and a variety of snacks to choose from.

想来点辣椒? 他们会掩护你的. 想吃火腿三明治? They’ll be happy to serve one up and add a piece of fruit or a bag of chips, too. 想吃绿色蔬菜的肚子咕咕叫? Go for the self-serve salad bar or a custom cornucopia of veggies from our creative dining staff. Plus, there are coolers stocked full of grab-and-go options and if you're here in the summer, you can hang out and grab a 户外烤架上的热狗.  


The 收获的晚餐 is an annual tradition that takes place in 水疗. 它的特性 food from our own community garden as well as local farms.

食物选择从早上10点开始.m. 到下午6点.m. 在工作日,水疗中心是主要的 those trying to get a quick bite before class in the morning or looking for a lunchtime 除了食堂.

It’s especially convenient for students who live in apartments and don’t have meal 餐厅的平面图. 我个人的建议? 不要错过五月五日节 特价. 他们是出色的.  

然后是空间本身. 水疗’s comfortable and plentiful assortment of seating options, including outdoor spots on Porter Plaza, make it an ideal study space.

It’s also a go-to location to meet for group projects as much as it’s a place to hang out and catch up on reading or lounge between classes. 别忘了还有一个 ping pong table, too (things can get pretty competitive). 我通常把店开好 on the couches by the windows to catch the sunset. 


水疗中心外的波特广场 is a venue for all kinds of events, like the send-off celebration for SCOOP (Skidmore outdoor orientation program).

但真正的奇迹发生在下班后. On most weekends, 水疗 morphs into a venue 学生活动. Equipped with a stage and PA system, it’s the perfect place to 展示学生的才华和创造力.  

Past and recurring events have included a sustainability fair, a fashion show, an entrepreneurial artists shop, student government meetings, Raices’ Café Con Leche, the Office of Student Diversity Program’s Warm-Up Wednesdays and weekly trivia nights. I even had the chance recently to DJ for a potluck supporting families in need over 假期. 

Students perform in 水疗 at Skidmore

Fashion show at 水疗 at 火博体育大学

Skidmore student plays a guitar at 水疗 at 火博体育大学 

Then, the pièce de résistance is what we call “late night,” when 水疗 reopens its 10点烧烤.m. 星期五及星期六. Students flock to indulge on a selection of greasy treats ranging from chicken fingers to quesadillas and mozzarella sticks. 开放 直到2点。.m., it’s the perfect option after a long night of having fun with friends 或学习. 

Whether you are a current student or a prospective student on a campus visit, you haven’t gotten the full Skidmore experience unless you’ve spent time at 水疗. 在那里 is almost always something interesting going on.  


And while you’re there, I’ll make a shameless plug for our 火博体育商店 — it’s right across the hall and worth the visit. 火博体育品牌的点滴是必不可少的 我的衣橱.

Once you put on your Skidmore swag, kick back at 水疗, in the cultural epicenter of the place where you could spend some of the best years of your life — you'll feel 就在家里. 



若丹帕特里克 is an 英语 major with a media and film studies minor from the Bronx, New York. Passionate about connecting with others, he hopes to unite the world through music and technology. 他不上课的时候, you can find him DJing at various events on campus as DJ Spades or assisting students at the IT Help Desk in the library.