


Q. 咨询中心在哪里?

We are located on the first floor of Jonsson Tower. 我们的营业时间是上午9点到下午12点 from 1pm -4:30pm during Fall and Spring Semesters. During 暑期班 we are open from 9:00am - 11:30am and from 12pm to 3pm. Your Skidmore ID will let you into Tower during office hours, even if you don’t live in the building.

Q. What if I am only available in the evenings or weekends?

火博体育大学 has partnered with BetterMynd,一个在线治疗平台,为学生提供免费的远程治疗课程 from a diverse network of licensed mental health counselors.

这些50分钟的现场视频会议是confidentiality的,可以在方便的情况下进行 of your laptop, smartphone, or tablet. Teletherapy sessions are available during the 白天,晚上,周末,这样你就可以随时得到支持.


Q. 谁有资格获得服务?

直接临床服务(i.e., individual consultation and therapy APPOINTMENTSs, 咨询中心提供技能培训讲习班、紧急服务) to fully-enrolled, matriculating 火博体育大学 students. 转介协助及 所有成员都可以就所关注的学生进行第三方咨询 of the broader Skidmore community.

是否有资格获得咨询中心的夏季服务取决于是否为一名学生 积极录取在校的Skidmore学生,以便:(1)上课; (2)参与合作研究,或(3)在校内工作. 资格 spans the time-frame during which the activity is taking place (e.g.,学生 只参加一个暑期班的学生是否有资格在该暑期获得服务 session, rather than for the entire summer).

Q. 我怎样预约?

你可以打电话给我们的前台(580-5555)来安排时间,或者在 营业时间. We ask that students coming to the 咨询中心 for the first 时间安排在早上,如果可能的话,这样你就有时间去做 拿出一些文书工作. All students coming to the 咨询中心 for the first time 被要求填写几分钟的文书工作,包括简短的自我报告 测量. This 测量 helps us know a bit more about your difficulties and it helps us schedule your APPOINTMENTS in a timely manner.

Q. What happens in individual consultation with a clinician?

在你的预约中,临床医生将与你一起建立一个清晰的认识 让你寻求支持的最紧迫的问题,将有助于分清轻重缓急 你的目标,并将帮助你制定一些具体的策略来解决 其中最紧迫的是. By the end of the session, you will have some tools and strategies 采取行动,帮助减轻你的痛苦,转移你目前的担忧 以积极的方式.

如果你的担忧是持续的,或者是更大的困难的一部分,你和你的临床医生 会讨论在初次咨询预约之外可能有用的资源吗. 这些可能包括中心提供的开放式技能培养讲习班之一 接受当地心理健康临床医生的治疗,或者回到心理咨询中心 for additional “one-at-a-time” consultation APPOINTMENTSs as needed. 我们也可以 鼓励你使用其他校园资源,比如火博体育正念项目, wellness coaching and peer tutoring.

Q. What happens in skill-building workshops?

在我们的技能培养研讨会上,四到六名学生每周见面一次,持续三周 with one of the Center’s staff clinicians. The goal of the workshops is to help students 更好地理解导致他们寻求支持、学习和实践的问题 in-session some tools for better managing these concerns. 讲习班不同于 团体治疗,他们不太关心探索,更注重帮助 学生制定具体的策略来减少他们的痛苦,并更积极地应对 他们的担忧. 不需要预先筛选.

Q. Are there session limits at the 咨询中心?

是的.  咨询中心提供多达八个个人咨询会议 每学生学年数. This session limit does not include 紧急 APPOINTMENTSs, third-party consultation APPOINTMENTSs, or skill-building workshop sessions. 学生 是否继续欢迎转介给社区治疗师使用紧急服务 and third-party consultations as needed.

去年,600多名学生在咨询中心寻求帮助. 一个小 portion of these students, less than 10%, reached the eight session limit. 有 session limit和“一次一个”的咨询模式帮助我们提供 为尽可能多的学生提供服务的同时也保持合理的等待时间 预约时间. Our average wait time for an initial APPOINTMENTS is typically 只需3个工作日. 

Q. What if I get referred to the community?

如果学生需要持续的,长期的,或比咨询更专业的照顾 Center can provide, we will offer referrals to clinicians in the community 谁能提供这样的照顾. If you are referred to a clinician in the community, you will need to use your health insurance or pay out of pocket for that care.  我们将 尽一切努力确保转诊符合您的临床和实际需要. 如果推荐不适合你,无论出于何种原因,你都可以联系 the 咨询中心 to discuss other referral options.

Q. confidentiality工作是如何进行的??

We take your confidentiality very seriously. 我们将 not disclose any information 火博体育你的事,包括你来过心理咨询中心,告诉任何人 没有你的允许. In rare and very specific cases, we may be ethically and/or legally obligated to break confidentiality. Exceptions to confidentiality include:  如果我们判断你有严重伤害自己或他人的危险 否则,如果你告诉我们任何虐待儿童或老人的案例或者我们 court-ordered by a judge to disclose records. Please note that we contract with an outside agency to provide a portion of our after-hours on-call coverage. 对于连续性 照顾和帮助确保适当管理潜在的紧急情况, we exchange risk-related information with this agency, as necessary. 他们的记录 也是confidentiality的.  If you have more questions about confidentiality, we encourage 你应该问问你的临床医生.

Q. What emergency services are available at the 咨询中心?

对于任何正在经历风险相关的学生,当天的预约总是可用的 紧急. Situations that would qualify for an 紧急 APPOINTMENTS include: (1) concern about one’s own safety due to suicidal thoughts or threats from others; (2) having thoughts of seriously harming another person; (3) hearing or seeing things that others are not (that is, difficulty with reality testing); or, (4) experiencing a recent physical or sexual assault. If you are experiencing one of these situations, 请立即到心理咨询中心申请紧急预约. If the office is closed, please proceed downstairs to Campus Safety.

咨询中心还通过电话提供非工作时间紧急服务 anytime the office is closed, including during the lunch hour. 学生可以联系 通过拨打咨询中心总号码(518-580-5555)和 following the prompts to access the appropriate resource. 关心的学生 有关安全方面的同行也欢迎使用我们的随叫随到服务或提出要求 a same-day 紧急 consultation.

请注意,所有完全注册的学生都有资格使用紧急服务 while they are attending classes. This includes students who are receiving treatment 来自私人医生. 学生是 远离 校园(e.g., on leave, on semester break, or studying abroad) should call 9-1-1 or go to their local 紧急 room for assistance.

Q. I'm worried about a friend - where do I go for help?

咨询中心可以向任何人(教师、 员工,家庭成员,或学生)谁是关心安全或福祉 火博体育学生的尸体. To schedule an in-person third-party consultation, please call 或者去一下办公室. If the situation is a safety-related 紧急, please indicate this so we can respond appropriately. We also provide consultations by telephone for concerned parties who are 远离 campus. Simply call the 咨询中心 main number (518-580-5555) to request a telephone consultation. Finally, after-hours consultations 可供使用 安全突发事件 by calling the 咨询中心 main number and following the prompts.